
Showing posts from 2014

Cormorant in Flight

So today's pic is a Cormorant in flight showing us its all the feathers, Enjoy. The Picture was clicked at Shahpura, Bhopal. Exif Details: Camera - Nikon D5200 Lens - Nikon Nikkor AF-S 55mm-300mm Focal Length- 300 mm ISO - 800 F-Stop - f/8 Exposure- 1/1000 sec. Flash - No

Tiger 1

Don't you guys just love tigers here this one is looking sad and contemplative thinking about his life. Clicked once again at Van Vihar National Park, Bhopal First of the few pics of Tigers to come your way. 

Green Flycatcher

I clicked this flycatcher during my photo-walk to Van Vihar, Bhopal. Flycatcher are known primarily by their elongated tail feather. Green Flycatcher


So these two brilliantly colored Dragonflies were captured during the same Nikon Photo-walk to Van Vihar. Exif Data for those who are interested: Red Dragon Fly Golden or Yellow Dragon Fly And to clarify I am not well versed with actual names for these dragonflies my description is based on their colors :)

Cormorant showing off

I clicked this Cormorant showing off it's wings during Nikon's photo-walk to Van Vihar, Bhopal, MP Cormorant spreading it's wings

Curious Squirrel

I found this cute little curious squirrel when I was walking along Lake View after Raahgiri day on Sunday. Please enjoy the cuteness Please do share your feedback.

Z for Zero

For Z what better word than Zero the most important number as claimed by all scientists and also do you know Zero was invented in India. So how do you represent zero simple every round is a possible zero also numbers dominate our lives zeroes from there. Enjoy Zero of fun as Computing is only possible due to 0 as computer only understands binary which is 1 and 0 Zero of Commerce - World runs on money Zero of Reflection Zero of Casinoes Zero all the way back to Z :) My Final Entry for Blogging from A to Z April Challenge 2014 - Letter Z.

Y for Yellow

So after lot of thinking here's the idea that won, for Y I will be going for colour yellow as in photos of the yellow things in my house. So here goes. Yellow Banana toy of my baby Yellow Cap of cleaning product Yellow Lettering on the Blue Cap Yellow Rose Yellow Rose Bud Yellow Gerbera Closeup My Entry for Blogging from A to Z April Challenge 2014 - Letter Y.

X for XBox 360 Controller for PC

For X I lucked out as just few days back I bought XBox 360 controller for my PC. So far its awesome and I have been playing my games with the game controller now.  So here's the controller all ready to play Here its resting in its packaging to be safe from dust My Post for Blogging from A to Z April Challenge 2014 - Letter X.

W for World (Globe)

What better word by W than the World of course that can be done by two ways - go to space and click the blue marble or simply use a globe that's what I would be doing. Once again I am not writing any captions as the globe says is it all. :) My Entry for Blogging from A to Z April Challenge 2014 - Letter W.

V for Van Vihar National Park, Bhopal

My entry for V is not a word but entire location which is Van Vihar National Park in Bhopal. I would be showcasing few of the pics of various animals clicked there. So Enjoy Hyena Indian Bison and Baby Indian Bison Calf Leopard Frogs and Frogs in Turtle Pen Turtles Lioness Deer Bird help needed in identifying it Snake Another Snake Tiger Resting Nil Gai resting Tiger Sleeping Tiger Resting Watchful Tiger Tiger Turning Tiger TIGER!!! My Entry for Blogging from A to Z April Challenge 2014 - Letter V.