F for Fruit and Flower Stalls

Blogging for A to Z April Challenge 2014 .. after the rest on Sunday its Monday that means letter F my words .. Fruit Stalls and Flower Stalls in Bhopal, India, enjoy

Papayas on Hand Cart

Collection of Hand Carts and Crates make up this big Fruit Stall

Smaller shopkeepers selling different fruits on their carts

Flower shops are all together just in front on my office

People shopping for Flowers
There must be around 20 shops in such a little space

There goes Day 6 for challenge 7th April Letter F


  1. There's nothing like fresh fruit! Those flowers are beautiful.

    1. That's True JoJo also the garlands are the ones which are used for weddings.

  2. This market seems amazing. Nothing like what we have here.

    1. Thanks Linda, one of the primary reason for choosing these pics was that they would be completely different than western countries.


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